Don't Miss One Big Table: An International Tasting on April 3 at Nova Place! Click to get tickets.

Find a job you love

Brush up on your math or writing skills, get a GED diploma, or improve your English while exploring career opportunities.


Worker at construction site

Our Career Development program can help you gain the skills you need to get a new job. You can explore possible careers in the Pittsburgh area, get job search advice, and interview coaching while brushing up on your reading or math skills, learning English, or studying for a GED diploma. We'll help you shift seamlessly into job training programs or college. 

All programs are offered free of charge to Literacy Pittsburgh students. Online and in-person options are available.

Leave dead-end jobs behind and start a career path with financial and professional growth.

We know what skills job training programs and employers value. We can help identify what you need to work on and develop a plan just for you. Our teachers and tutors want you to succeed and will support you every step of the way.

Career Development classes are offered in the following areas:

We can also help you explore another career that fits your passion. We can’t wait to help you start your journey!


This program is part of Literacy Pittsburgh's Ready & Relevant initiative, which is made possible through community project funding from the FY22 federal spending bill. The total cost of the Ready & Relevant program is $1,790,803. $675,000 (38%) is funded through a Federal Community Project grant. The other $1,115,883 (62%) is funded through other public contracts and private donations.

Student Spotlight: Jamila
When Jamila was a senior in high school, her world was forever changed. What should have been a year of joy and celebration was taken away by the devastating loss of her best friend—her mother.
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Photo of Student Spotlight: Jamila

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