Don't Miss One Big Table: An International Tasting on April 3 at Nova Place! Click to get tickets.

Allegheny County Computer Classes

To sign up for a computer class, click the sign-up button below the class listing, call or text 412-983-2595, or email

In-Person and Virtual options are available.  In-person locations include Literacy Pittsburgh downtown, PA CareerLink® downtown, CCAC Homewood-Brushton,  Wilkinsburg EARN, and Human Services Center Mon Valley.

Resume Revamp (Virtual) 

Online via Zoom
Tuesday, February 25
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

This workshop reviews basic formatting for resumes and various resume types. Learn how to use strong action words and keywords that will be suitable for Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS).

Sign Up 

Excel for Job Search

Online via Zoom
Thursday, February 27
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Organize your job search, track applications, follow-up, important email addresses, deadlines, and job postings. Review basic Excel skills – navigate and customize your Job Search Workbook.

Sign Up 

Beginner English Computer Class

Literacy Pittsburgh, 411 Seventh Ave, Suite 525, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Mondays and Wednesdays
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm 

For level 1 ESL students. Students will practice the English alphabet, numbers, and symbols on a keyboard.  Students will create usernames and strong passwords. Students will identify the parts of the computer and learn how to turn on and off a computer.  Students will become familiar with a Windows desktop and be able to recognize files and places files are stored.

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Job-Seeker Series

Human Services Center Mon Valley, 519 Penn Avenue, Turtle Creek, PA 15145
Mondays, February 3, 10, and 24
10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Feb 3: Cover Letters for Career Success: Learn the proper structure of a cover letter and best practices for communicating effectively with potential employers. Explore cover letter examples, practice writing cover letters, and receive customized guidance from the instructor.

Feb 10: Job Search with Indeed: Learn how to create an Indeed account and navigate the website to search and apply for jobs. Learn how to filter job searches to find a job that suits you. Additionally, receive guidance to create and upload your resume. 

Feb 24: Online Job Applications: Job seekers will gain confidence in filling out online job forms. Learn how to attach your resume and cover letter in various formats as well as learn about required fields.

 Sign Up 

Using Outlook (Virtual)

Online via Zoom
Monday, March 3
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

This workshop will cover the basics of emailing in Outlook, using the ribbon, and creating a signature. Plus, scheduling events and inviting others using the Outlook Calendar. 

 Sign Up 

Email in the Workplace (In-Person)

Human Services Center Mon Valley, 519 Penn Avenue, Turtle Creek, PA 15145
Mondays, March 3, 10, 17, and 24
10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Practice writing emails for common workplace scenarios.  Instruction includes a review of email basics, email etiquette, and multiple opportunities draft practice messages for common workplace scenarios including requesting time off, meeting follow-up, and thank you messages. This is a 4-session class, with some work expected outside of class time. Participants are expected to attend every session and upon successful completion will earn a Google Applied Digital Skills Certificate. 

 Sign Up

Introduction to Microsoft Word (In Person)

PA CareerLink Allegheny East, 300 Penn Center Boulevard, Building 3, Suite 800, Pittsburgh, PA 15235
Mondays, March 3, 10, 17, 24, and 31
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Microsoft Word is a word processing program. Gain an overview of Microsoft Word features including how to change font and alignment, adding bullets and numbers to documents, and other common formatting tasks. Learners will take the NorthStar assessment and have an opportunity to earn a certificate. This is a 5-session class. Participants are expected to attend every session. 

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Computer Basics (In-Person)

CCAC Homewood-Brushton Center, 701 N. Homewood Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15208
Tuesdays and Thursdays
March 4, 6, 11, 13, 15 and 17
9:00 am - 11:00 am 

Total beginners will gain confidence in using a computer for everyday tasks. This class focuses on basic mouse and typing skills, identifying places to store and save files, and trouble-shooting basic computer issues. Learners may take a NorthStar digital literacy assessment and have an opportunity to earn a certificate. This is a 6-session class. Participants are expected to attend every session.

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Internet Basics (In-person)

CCAC Homewood-Brushton Center, 701 N. Homewood Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15208
Tuesdays and Thursdays
March 4, 6, 11, 13, 15, 17, 25 and 27
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Master the basics of using the internet. This includes bookmarking, navigating web pages, and internet safety. Gain insight into using keyboard shortcuts and search terms to make searching online for employment and information easier. Critically assess websites to find the best information. Learners may take a NorthStar digital literacy assessment and have an opportunity to earn a certificate. This is an 8-session class. Participants are expected to attend every session.

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Google for Beginners (Virtual) 

Attend individually or attend all four sessions to earn a Certificate of Completion!
Online via Zoom
March 4, 11, 18, and 25
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Gmail: Get an overview of Gmail and create a Gmail account. Learn how to check your email, send an email, reply or forward an email.  Understand the folders in Gmail including Inbox, Sent Items, Spam, Trash, etc. Identify the basic parts of an email including To, From, CC, BCC, Subject, and Body.  

Sign Up

Google Calendar: Very beginners will learn how to navigate the Google Calendar.  Participants will create a Gmail account (if needed), gain an overview of the calendar viewing options and settings menus, and learn how to create a new meeting, invite people to meetings, and delete a meeting. 

 Sign Up 

Google Drive: Learn the basics of Google Drive. Identify what items can be included in a Google Drive, create and manage folders in Drive, and collaborate with others by sharing files and folders with others and changing permissions in Drive. Sign up for a Gmail account during this workshop (if needed).  

 Sign Up 

Google Maps: Learn the basics of using Google Maps for directions, researching restaurants/locations, planning public transportation, and more. 

Sign Up 

Computer Lab (In-person) 

Literacy Pittsburgh, 411 Seventh Avenue, Suite 525, Pittsburgh, PA 
Mondays, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm 
Tuesdays, 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm 
Thursdays, 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm 

PA CareerLink®, 914 Penn Avenue, Sixth Floor
Wednesdays, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm 

Wilkinsburg EARN 221 Penn Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15221
Mondays, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm 

Drop-in time for individual instruction in a group setting. An instructor will guide you in learning any basic computer skill.  Instructors can help you connect to distance learning, Upwardly Global, download apps on your smartphone, learn how to use Zoom or the Literacy Pittsburgh portal.  You may use the time to do virtual job-searching, complete assignments for classes, work on Google Career Certificates and much more! 

Sign Up

This program is part of Literacy Pittsburgh's Ready & Relevant initiative, which is made possible through community project funding from the FY22 federal spending bill. The total cost of the Ready & Relevant program is $1,790,803. $675,000 (38%) is funded through a Federal Community Project grant. The other $1,115,883 (62%) is funded through other public contracts and private donations.

Student Spotlight: Emmanuel
Emmanuel resettled in the United States after fleeing violence in his home country of the Democratic Republic of Congo. His immediate goal upon coming to Pittsburgh was to attend college, but he lacked a high school diploma.
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Photo of Student Spotlight: Emmanuel

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